Friday, February 12, 2010

Back to business (i think)

Hi guys sorry if i wasn't able to update my blog for a couple of days.As i've mentioned on my previous blog entry , i now own a gorgeous laptop which is beside my bed whenever i go to sleep. My brother recently tried to install an OEM version of Windows 7 on my lappy using a downloaded version on the net.(i was using a trial version)Sadly it didn't work, either the disk is to be blamed for it or the downloaded version really sucks.So my lappy is now sporting an unofficial Windows Vista ultimate and a trial version of Avast. 

I was not able to click on adgitize ads or do my drops since i was scared that i'll get some sort of malware,trojan and god knows what else. I have tried earlier and apparently my laptop is protected for now(cross my fingers) and up until April. 

When my brother comes here for a visit, i think either my os will be succesfully upgraded or my laptop would end up being reformatted for a couple of times.Therefore making its life span shorter. Oh well so long as my laptop is working and i can use it  for my online activities, i am happy :)an envelope absolutely, positively has to be there overnight

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About me

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im a frustrated writer who always ran out of things to say when it is time to write them.A dreamer who kept on dreaming eventhough my wings have been broken many times before. A typist who only uses 2 fingers on the left and 1 on the right.a person with out of this world comments and words that never failed to amuse my friends.

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