Wednesday, January 04, 2012


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Thursday, December 29, 2011


Be back after the Holidays!

Sorry guys if I was not able to blog for a couple of days.I was so busy with preparing for Christmas plus the fact that our internet is acting up. I was also caught up with playing with our Nintendo Wii and the Sims 3 that I have borrowed from my brother's gf. 

Anyways I gotta go. Will be back to update you guys on how my holiday went. Thanks for visiting. Mwah!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


New Year Make Over

        I just bought two new earrings on the stall that we passed by earlier.It is silver toned that looked like a snake protecting a gemstone. I love that when I wore it, it doesn't look like that it was just 80 pesos.It has that antique vibe going on and for 80 pesos it is very much worth it. Too bad though that I dropped it on our floor while taking it off, one of the gems dangling on the earring cracked into two pieces so I have to buy a glue so I can re attach it. 
       The other earring looked like an upside down pyramid with triangle cut off inside with purple gems. It was also gorgeous and looks like it would match a party dress if ever i have one. LOL I was careful this time when I was taking it off though, I wouldn't want both earrings to be broken. 

      I was also thinking of having my hair colored. I have been wearing my hair black for the longest time and I'm kinda getting bored of it.My officemate had her hair colored so I am kinda envious how her face somehow brightened up due to her new hair color. 

     There is one brand that I wanted to try, a Japanese brand that is. It is a permanent dye though and you will use it as if you are just shampooing your except that you will not rinse it immediately. 

     I am leaning towards their brown colors and would want to try either the first 3 colors indicated under that series. I would want something soft though and this is what I would want for my hair if ever it worked like it is supposed to be. 

    What do you think guys, would this suit my hair or should I just be content with my shiny black hair.Let me know okay :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My new work out buddy

I am a fan of work outs most especially yoga but when my buddies are either on VL or unable to attend our class with me. I will just decide to cancel and wait till they are available so we can all go to class together. I haven't had the chance to fully explore our new Wii Fit plus yesterday  but earlier I was able to do some of the routines that I have learned on my yoga class. No advance poses though just the basic ones but with a twist, i need to keep my center of balance on the yellow circle.You see every exercise/routine on this console will require that your posture is ok and that your weight is equally distributed on your legs. 

I am not a fan of  the downward dog position and I am still not a fan of it when it is included on the routine that I picked to do. Doing the pose with no mat is hard on the knees and especially doing it on a very limited space but what made me laugh is that the virtual trainer knew that I was not doing it properly, that my legs are stiff or is it my shoulders and that I need to equally distribute the weight. It also knew that I gave up half way LOL. 

The games included on the routine were also hilarious but did a good job of making use of my arms and legs . Imagine marching by following the beat of a drum plus doing the dance dance revolution by timing the rise of your hands on the symbols that is slowly falling down. I don't have any rhythm on my body but I was able to score some perfect scores on that game which is really great.

Overall based on the Wii Board I was able to burn 12 calories LOL not bad for 7 minutes of work out now if I can keep that up everyday LOL. 

Monday, December 19, 2011


Our new Wii Fit plus and Tales of Symphonia

Wasn't able to blog yesterday because we were busy tinkering with our new Wii Fit plus console. We already have the basic Nintendo Wii courtesy of my mom but my dad wanted the additional accessories so he can do some exercise  using other games besides the usual table tennis. 

We were excited that it was only 4,000 plus pesos versus the mall price of 6,000 pesos. Not bad right so we bought it right away. It featured yoga,strength training, aerobics and some training plus games that will test your center of balance and control of your body. 

The initial test were really hard to do and it was fun in a way because we were able to create a profile for our pet dog.Too bad though that there were no training available.

We also bought this game because it says multiplayer, turns out that it is just one player because the other characters are in automode lol.

It was a fun game and the dialogues were really hilarious with the girl being in love with the main character. It consists of 8 chapters so it would take us a long time to finish the game. 

Looking forward to finishing it. 

Friday, December 16, 2011


Smart vs Globe Iphone plans

It's the battle of Iphone 4s today as both Smart and Globe launched  the most anticipated gadget from Apple.Although Globe claimed to be the first to claim the first batch, it is Smart who first unveiled their prepaid and post paid plans through their website.

Globe is still mum on the pricing but they are emailing some of their consumers who have signed up to inquire on their prices. They are also entertaining online orders and will require the original copy of the ITR, payslips and several ids.

For Smart, you can refer below for their respective postpaid plans.Not sure if they are also entertaining online orders just like Globe though. For more info you can go to their website.

 Plan Details
iPhone Plans
 Plan 2499Plan 999
4S 16GBFREE999/mo
4S 32GB200/mo1200/mo
4S 64GB400/mo1400/mo
Free Minutes300100
Free SMS30040
Free Data (MB)1GB250MB
Unlimited Data Plans
Plan 4000Plan 3000Plan 2000Plan 1500

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Welcome Iphone4s

Tomorrow will be Dec it's not my birthday but the unveiling of the Iphone 4s from Globe.A lot has been anticipating it's arrival and I bet that they would draw in a lot of consumers who wanted to be the first to own this  gadget. My officemate already ordered for this and he was ecstatic when he received an email from Globe accepting his application. I think you will need to cash out 4,000 pesos for the unit and then the plan itself would be1,799. Not sure if there are other plans but that is the plan that my co worker availed.

There is a rumor going on that Smart will also be launching a plan post paid plan for Iphone 4s but up until now there has been no confirmation on how much the cash out will be and the price of the plan itself. This would challenge Globe's domination over the Iphone distribution here in the Philippines and in a way this is good because  it would give consumers a better chance of getting their moneys worth instead of making do because you don't have a choice.

About me

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im a frustrated writer who always ran out of things to say when it is time to write them.A dreamer who kept on dreaming eventhough my wings have been broken many times before. A typist who only uses 2 fingers on the left and 1 on the right.a person with out of this world comments and words that never failed to amuse my friends.

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